Best regards from Hogwarts
I am here, I am fine :)
After one whole day of driving through 4 different countries, I have arrived, I have unpacked, I have settled.
But it was not until today's induction session of my programme, that I started to realise: I really made it. This small city called Cambridge, or "the other place", how I heard some people name it, will be my home for the next 12 months..
Meanwhile, the last days seem to have mashed up into a complete blur. Last week was an uncountable number of faces and corresponding names, interesting conversations, astonishing facts, great dinners and - above everything - a clear blue sky. There is just so much to take up. Everyday, I fall into bed, feeling like I had run a full marathon.
The town itself is absolutely marvellous. With it's narrow driveways, the old majestic buildings and the ever-present student vibe, I can almost feel the knowledge that has been accumulated throughout the last decades billowing over my head. Stories like "in this pub, Watson and Crick announced the secret of life", "this clock was build by Stephen Hawking", "this is where Newton used to live", "that was Darwins favourite Café" - are frequently told and absolutely mind-blowing. Is this even real?
Cambridge and its University appears to me like a great bubble of knowledge, tradition and history. I am so happy, thankful and scared at the same time to be part of this universe and I cannot wait to explore the deeper grounds of it.
I am still missing a big part of my Berlin life or better: work, but this week study will kick in and I am kind of looking forward to that :)
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